House Democrats Focus on Trump, not Illinois’ Problems
The House was in session in Springfield three days this week, but rather than getting to work on the problems we were sent to Springfield to solve, the majority party spent our time on the House floor pushing and passing resolutions about how much they dislike President Trump.
They’re entitled to their opinion, but I was sent here to make Illinois more affordable for our families and businesses and improve our fiscal climate, so our children and grandchildren want to stay here in Illinois. Those that sent us here deserve action on the issues they face, not fear mongering and division. House Republicans finally walked off the floor in protest.
Giving Small Business Startups a Break

One of the new bills I have introduced in recent weeks would help make starting a new business in Illinois more affordable. The Reducing Barriers to Start Act would eliminate many of the first-year fees new business startups, including in-home businesses, face.
Eliminating start-up fees would help other families achieve their dreams and boost small business growth in our communities. There are always incentives on the table to encourage large employers to set up shop in Illinois, and that’s certainly important. But your neighbor who wants to turn an empty storefront into a local bakery is also important and should be encouraged. Small businesses support families, and they provide vital local tax revenue for our communities and our schools. It’s time we gave them a break.
Illinois Immigration Lawsuit
The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Governor Pritzker and Cook County leaders due to immigration policies.
Meanwhile, in Springfield, House Republicans this week called for the elimination of the Trust Act, which made Illinois a “Sanctuary State”, and we demanded greater transparency and accountability from Democratic leaders. Questions we want answered include:
- How much is this policy costing Illinois taxpayers?
- How many illegal immigrants/noncitizens have faced criminal charges and been released?
- How many crimes are connected to these illegal immigrants/noncitizens?
- How many incarcerated individuals in Illinois have an ICE detainer?
- What is Governor Pritzker and Mayor Johnson’s plan to address this crisis?
Budget Address

The Illinois General Assembly is not in session next week, but on the 19th we will hear from Governor Pritzker about his plans for the new state budget. The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget has indicated that the State of Illinois will face a $3.2 billion deficit in fiscal year 2026 (FY26) unless taxes are increased, budget cuts are made, or both. Again, Representatives on our side of the aisle stressed that the Governor needs to look at services delivered by Illinois taxpayers to migrants and undocumented immigrants, particularly health care benefits, as one element of these budget cuts.
I’m eager to hear the Governor’s proposals, but for now I would caution you to hold on to your wallet.
Wear Red for Heart Disease Awareness!

Heart disease has long been perceived as a predominantly male health issue. However, statistics reveal a different narrative: heart disease is the leadingcause of death among women in the United States, accounting for approximately one in every five female deaths. National Wear Red Day is a time for us to stand united in the fight against heart disease. By wearing red, we can raise awareness about this disease. Let’s take steps to protect our hearts today and every day!