Rep. Kyle Moore today said he was disappointed that Governor Pritzker’s new state budget proposal again fails to address the need for fiscal responsibility and real budget reforms needed to deliver for Illinois families and businesses.
“This budget is simply not fiscally sound. Expenses grow at a faster rate than our revenues. We can’t do this in our homes, and we shouldn’t do it in government,” Rep. Moore said. “With growing deficits and declining revenues, Governor Pritzker again has proposed the largest budget in state history – $55.2 billion! That’s a nearly 4% increase over last year’s enacted budget, and yet funding will be cut for core priorities, including $171 million taken from road construction and repair.”
Listen to more reaction here:
Rep. Moore stressed that our state is facing a deficit of at least $425 million for the new fiscal year based on existing revenue and the governor’s spending plan. Rather than budgeting based on reliable revenue estimates, the governor proposed $590 million in new taxes, transfers, and other budget gimmicks in an attempt to sustain out-of-control spending.
“One positive note: I am pleased to see leaders in the state have recognized the condition of the Jacksonville Developmental Center and included the facility in the Surplus to Success program. That has been a very long time coming” Rep. More said.
“But I must ask how many more years will democrats go down the same failed road before they admit that we will never tax and spend our way into prosperity? I want to hear a plan that makes Illinois more affordable for our families and businesses, shrinks the size of government, and makes our state a more desirable place to live and locate a business.”