Moore Legislation Would Make Starting a New Business More Affordable

Starting your own new business in Illinois may soon be more affordable. State Representative Kyle Moore has introduced legislation that would eliminate many of the first-year fees new business startups face.

“Starting a business is a key component of the American Dream and we need to do everything we can to make it more affordable here in Illinois,” Moore said.

Rep. Moore’s Reducing Barriers to Start Act would encourage the elimination of all first-year business fees relating to licensing or registration for new business start-ups, including home based businesses. Moore, a former family business owner himself, stressed that eliminating start-up fees would help other families achieve their dreams and boost small business growth in our communities.

“There are always incentives on the table to encourage large employers to set up shop in Illinois, and that’s certainly important. But your neighbor who wants to transform an empty storefront into a local bakery is also important and should be encouraged,” Rep. Moore said. “Small businesses support families, and they provide vital local tax revenue for our communities and our schools. It’s time we gave them a break.”