Kyle Moore Sworn-In as New 99th District State Representative

(Quincy) …Illinois’ 99th district has a new State Representative today. Former Quincy Mayor and longtime community leader Kyle Moore was officially sworn-in to office to replace retiring Representative Randy Frese. Rep. Moore said he’s ready to hit the ground running this month.

“We have real challenges ahead of us in the General Assembly this year, but nothing that is insurmountable, I’m proud that I have been able to work with members of both parties to make sure we get the job done for our local families and communities and that is my goal for our spring legislative session as well,” Rep. Moore said.

Representative Moore was elected to the Illinois General Assembly in November to represent the 99th district which serves parts of Adams, Brown, Cass, Morgan, and Schuyler counties.

For over two decades he has devoted his life to improving the lives of residents in his community. As a two-term Mayor of Quincy Kyle developed programs that enhanced the economic climate of the region, including Quincy Promise, a privately funded college scholarship program and the Downtown Rental Rehab Program. In 2018, he formed a bi-partisan group of elected officials and community groups to save the Illinois Veterans Home in Quincy, which resulted in the State of Illinois providing $230 million for a new campus.

Kyle has also served as President of the Great River Economic Development Foundation, where he worked with numerous companies on their expansion projects, including the Tri-Mark Corporation, United Alloy, and Amazon.

In the 104th General Assembly, Kyle will continue working to expand job opportunities in our communities, improve infrastructure, and protect families’ and taxpayers’ rights.

Rep. Moore encourages constituents to contact him with questions or concerns as the General Assembly’s Spring session moves forward. He can be reached at district office in Quincy at 217.223.0833 or through his website at